How to Facilitate an Expectations Discussion with a Roommate

I have stressed in other blog posts the importance of establishing standards and sharing your expectations with your roommates when you first move in together. Everyone comes from different living situations, so “normal” is different for everyone. That is all okay, but you need to talk about it with your roommates so you don’t breed tension and hurt feelings to the point of not being friends with your roommates. 

When you are having this discussion with your roommates, I recommend asking everyone these questions and really listening to each person’s thoughts on these in a non-judgmental way. Then when you have discussed all of these, you can create a set of standards that you will all live by.

Here are the questions to ask yourself and your new roommate(s) in this discussion:

I hope this gave you ideas on how to lead a discussion on roommate expectations during your Disney College Program (or just in general). Having a comfortable home life is essential to your happiness, and having standards to live by will make that easier, even though this discussion can be difficult. Best of luck!

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